Una Sona de una Alma Atravesada
3 cyanotype quilts 15-20 feet in length , welded steel pipes with plaster casted hands
The most private moment I can hold is when I’m bare and sit in the steam of the water that falls on me.
But am I truly alone if my body is the acclimation of generations past. An environmental index of
recordings from the body is used to demonstrate how the spectrum of visibility and intangibility are
intertwined. Symbolization of the spatial arrangement of the elements of the locality.To create an
embodiment of these thoughts,Through three cyanotype quilts,the feeling of these past others far extends
me and the ever intersecting qualities of them. Looking all through the personal archives of photos
existing from both parental figures for the imagery. Bringing forth the idea of acclimated bodies in space,
three interventions of fragmentation. Personifying the idea of the body through the idea of the body
through a quilt.
An environmental index of recordings from the body is used to demonstrate how the spectrum of visibility
and intangibility are intertwined. symbolization of the spatial arrangement of the elements of the locality.
Through these quilts ,the feeling of these past others far extends me, the ever intersecting qualities of
them the idea of acclimated bodies in space, three interventions of fragmentation and personifying the
idea of the body through the idea of the body through a quilt.